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Announcing our 2024 Charity of the Year – Refuge

Funding Circle News

Announcing our 2024 Charity of the Year – Refuge

Updated: 23 May 2024

We’re proud to announce that this year Funding Circle’s employees will be fundraising for Refuge, the UK’s largest domestic abuse organisation for women and their children.

Every year, Funding Circle employees vote on who should be our Charity of the Year. All of the proceeds from our internal fundraising efforts go towards this chosen charity.

Through our employee-led Funding Circle Impact group, we give back to communities in need and raise awareness for worthy causes through charity and volunteering projects.

In 2023, we raised £17,629.70 for The Trussell Trust, which helped food banks in the UK.

This year Circlers has chosen to support Refuge, who provide specialist support for women experiencing domestic violence and their children.

“Helping communities is something that is a priority at Funding Circle, from the small businesses we serve, to the volunteering and fundraising efforts of our Circlers,” said Jenisha Limbani, FC Impact Co-Lead.

“As part of our Impact work, we raise money for a different charity every year. So far we’ve raised over £70,000 for charities, including Whizz Kids and Nishkam SWAT.

“This is through events like the GOSH Walkie Talkie climb, football tournaments, Movember, running the London Marathon and our IT equipment charitable donations. We hope to raise even more this year!”

What do Refuge do?

Refuge is the largest domestic abuse organisation in the UK. Every two minutes someone reaches out to Refuge seeking support and advice on dealing with domestic abuse. 

With 44 refuges across the country and a 24/7 helpline, Refuge supports thousands of women and their children every day with the physical, emotional, financial and logistical help needed to flee their abusers. 

Money raised by Funding Circle employees will help survivors of domestic abuse, as well as spreading awareness of Refuge’s important work.  

How Circlers are supporting Refuge

We always have a full programme of internal events, including fundraising and volunteering opportunities that let everyone get involved.

On 14th May, we held a charity football tournament, which saw 60 Circlers from across the business come together to compete. This is the fourth time we’ve held a charity football tournament and it’s always popular. 

The event was a huge success, with £1,050 raised for Refuge. 

“I’m already being asked when the next tournament is!” said Talent Acquisition Partner and FC FC captain Adam Berry.

And July will see Circlers competing in the FC Olympics.

Giving back 

At Funding Circle we believe that small businesses are at the centre of our communities and, as such, contributing to the community is a crucial part of our values.

We actively encourage all our Circlers to get involved in volunteering projects by offering up to two days paid leave a year to make an impact on something that matters to them.

As well as fundraising for Refuge this year, Circlers will be getting involved in numerous other projects, including: 

We look forward to seeing how much we raise this year for Refuge, and having some fun along the way.

Great Review: